Jacob/San Francisco Fashion Photography


try new things quote  




I've been fascinated with fashion inspired portraiture since my days at the Academy of Art. I recently had the honor of working with the up and coming male model Jacob Farmos for a test shoot.

I wanted to do a small series to show "The Man Behind the Suit". Inspired by my recent marathon/obsession with Madmen, I loved how the characters were so polished and professional, yet underneath it all they are just regular men with more issues than Vogue.

So, here was my little attempt at that concept. Enjoy!



Model: Jacob Farmos

Special thanks to Mindy with Sweet Marie Photography for assisting with the styling, being a human light stand and being an all around amazing friend. XOXO

Jacob Farmos Male Modelsan francisco fashion photography_0004 san francisco fashion photography_0005san francisco fashion photography_0006san francisco fashion photography_0007san francisco fashion photography_0008Male Model PhotographyBehind the Scenes

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[video width="480" height="272" m4v="http://meobaakliniblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Jacob-Farmos-2.m4v"][/video]